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World Hearing Day 2020

On 4th March 2020 World Hearing day was celebrated in Green Life Medical college. Though 3rd March is celebrated as world hearing day as 3 resembles ear and March is the 3rd month of the year. Prof. Dr. Pran Gopal Datta was the key note speaker of the CME and he delivered a very informative and time bound power point presentation regarding Word Hearing day. The theme of the campaign for 2020 is "Hearing for Life. Don't let hearing loss limit you". The selection of the theme by the World Health Organization expresses the key message that timely and effective interventions can ensure that people with hearing loss are able to achieve their full potential. National Prof. Dr. Shahla Khatun Madam, Chairman Green Life Medical College, Chairman Prof Dr. Shamsuddin Ahmed and Prof Abu Shafi  Ahmed Amin, Prof. M A Azhar were also present in the program.