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Orientation of Labour Ward Protocol

Ministry of Health and Family welfare Bangladesh along with Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of Bangladesh have developed a guideline about standard labour ward management protocol. Green Life medical college is the first private medical college to launch the program for safety and wellbeing of both mother and child throughout labour and after delivary.Prof. Dr. Rowshan Ara Begum, past president of OGSB, Prof. Sameena Chowdhury, president OGSB, Prof. Saleha Begum were present in this  orientation program held on 14 January, 2020 at level 15, Prof.AHM Ahsanullah hall .National Professor Shahla Khatun was present in the program along with Prof. Dr. Kamrun Nahar, Prof.Dr Joya Sree Roy, Head of Obstetrical and Gynecology department of Green Life Medical College. Professor Shahla Khatun madam had her valuable speech for the audience.

Approaches to women with individual needs, special care in the sensitive issue of induction, fetal monitoring, fluid replacement together with a clear protocol for management of fetus and maternal misadventures are all highlighted in this protocol. By this clinical guideline, quality services and standardize practice can be done and it will help to achieve the goal of reducing Maternal Mortality Ratio less than one by the year 2030.